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Grobdale of Girthon

Do you need a bit o’ Scotland ?

        Imagine this title, in the voice of Joey Tribiani ..

Cos that’s how I heard it, when a very good friend ,said it should be our strap line..

img_5220Made me smile and made me think . We have a lot of very welcome visitors to our tiny piece of Scotland and just recently

(I blame current politics.. no I didn’t say the “B” word)

I have had a few friends, say a’ bit of Scotland’ is what they needed to ease stress..

August started with our lovely Helen and Damon adding a few giggles to the day , this is us taste testing gherkins vs cucumber .. does anyone know the difference ?

            No they don’t ..HELEN AND DAMON

So after we feed people we generally get them working and “Toughing up” the fencing in the triangle pig pen was a good place to start, we have some new arrivals due that need..

Around 8000 volts to keep them well behaved !! ouch


Meet the new wild boar (3/4 wild boar 1/4 tamworth ‘gotta keep a bit of ginger in the mix) We did well on sales with the wild boar earlier in the year ,so were keen to rear some more and keep our local gourmet restaurants in great produce.img_3331

These were born a day after our Tamworths but look at the size difference !




Alison , normally a sheep whisperer extraordinaire becames a pig natural ..

This is also the lady who brought me my most unusual birthday present last month ..EGGS

2 dozen Guinee fowl eggs and the loan of an incubator .. BOOM , new skill hatching eggs and oooh img_3152bundles of cute fluffy stuff , couldn’t keep the builders away 🙂 hopefully these lovlies will produce some clever yummy eggs for us and the egg box at the road end eventually.

Talking of eggs , did I tell you that our duck eggs won us a prize at the local show!

Laurieston show was something I’d not managed to get organised for , so it was time I planned ahead a little and got my competitive gene in gear (nana Audrey was a bugger for a prize)

We entered , duck eggs, hen eggs, courgettes , onions, cheese cones and beetroot chocolate brownies .. was rather hoping these would wow somone and get me a certificate , but no not even my scones img_5344baked to Nana’s recipe got a look in !

it seems our courgettes are pretty good giving us a second place But the Duck eggs with their ridiculous yokes are actually now officially prize winning

( oh yes its going on my egg stand )

The builders were fairly cracking on (sorry) with the build, making a right royal mess outside and in ..IMG_5832


my poor kitchen floor is killing mop heads at the rate of one a month ! but its worth it to see the progress .

The windows and doors  are hopefully on order as this goes to publish, and the zinc roofer, electrician and dykers are due to join the building tribe next month so.. there will be lots going on and

“muchas” tea being brewed me thinks.


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Most of the building / construction and groundworks is done, underfloor heating pipework is in ,all the floors done (around 75 tonnes of concrete !), timber framing inside is pretty much finished awaiting insulation , new septic tank sunk, lots of the external stonework is yet to do but the corrections and pointing that is done , looks amazing. Cant HERDYSwait to see the windows, doors and velux (17 of them ! )in and the buildings made weathertight over the next few months..

gonna start looking like the picture in my head ..

Back to farm stuff, My flock are increasing , the original 4 ewes and a ram are now 14 ewes , 12 lambs and 2 rams.

We’ve gone from 5 to 28 in two years and their looking happy and thriving .

It was a good time to see how well , and so I  decided to take Henry and Harry the two Rams from our first lambing to be Judged and possibly registered giving us a pedigree status . HSBA DAY


We rocked up at Penrith auction mart to meet the HSBA team and after a little tussle and all round checks they both got the seal of approval and another set of ear tag bling ..



To say I was pleased was an understatement, giddy all the way back to D&G .. poor Lauren had to listen to me jabber all the way home.

I do think the Herdwick society should bling up the ear tags though , purple is lovely but a bit of sparkle for my special Rams wouldn’t go amiss 🙂 they’re a bit chilled don’t you think , not a stress or a care in the world.


I wish I was a bit more chilled, I wouldn’t say I was stressed , just living a very full day every day ,maybe that’s why this is a two month catch up blog .. having run out of “day ” just a few too many times.

jules and jim

So here we are at the end of September and Thanks Jules and Jim for putting up with me and putting me up for my dash back down to Manchester oh and a lovely title for this blog x