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Grobdale of Girthon

south west scotland

Ginger the best colour ever..

June is the best month as far as our favourite ginger   is concerned as it means all her favourite things .. Cake , friends , presents and chocolate . img_2110

We always celebrate a birthday and it generally lasts more than a day, shame the cake didn’t last as long .

A surprise visit from our besties also went down a treat too.. we love you guys.






June 13th was  Nora’s due date , and we had planned for Andy to be home for the early days , we couldn’t have planned it better as he had only been home maybe  an hour when Noraimg_4137 went into labour !

We camped out in lambing shed to be rewarded in the early hours with the birth of

9 healthy happy piglets ..



As first timers we were quite nervous , there was so much that could go wrong however Nora was a true  textbook    pig and did everything according to what we had read .

Thanks Google

 Nora has turned out to be a fabulous mum looking after her litter .. we clearly brought her up well .

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