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Grobdale of Girthon

Who knew that pigs could bark !

It was February , and so my blog catch up is nearly done , as usual it was a full month..we don’t mess around here sat around drinking tea is sooo not done! Early EFB2DCA0-6E2B-41A7-AD80-DA73A7C02FEE
on in the month we had noticed some tiny eggs appearing with the other hen eggs , our little hatchlings Hetty and Betty(about to become Bert) had starting laying after a few days we realised that Betty was actually a cockerel and so renamed swiftly as Bert..

He may become coq au vin yet .BCD41467-9897-4434-AA84-EDCC4D0F6805

They  make lovely eggy bread though , hey Aunty Sam ,what do you think ?


Carrying on with a food theme, this is Lauren , as you can see looking proper chuffed with herself ! She finally talked me into a chocolate brunch . Castle Douglas has lots of lovely cafes and shops, a great high street in fact BUT  it also has a dedicated chocolate shop ..  Inhouse chocolates is not to be missed if you can help it ,we will definitely be back ..





Loved the chocolate ‘Belties’



And just like that , more chocolate arrived .. our besties with The Purple wrapper of course ..To burn up all those rascally calorie thingies we had a girls night out , I won’t share the photos again

it got quite messy 🙂 

But you can check out the selfie on our Facebook site if you really need to see us looking worse for wear .

Anyway back to work ..Don’t know if I mentioned it before, but the man of the house has bought quite a lot of machinery over the last few months, and it soooo came into its own when the weather 95A62715-6863-4295-B156-34FDC51FAC8Cperked up ..

he managed to get both us girls, and virtually all the machinery going in one day !


Our track from the main road is a mile long bumpy pot hole ridden joy that needs taming somewhat ..


so when the council did some roadworks a few months ago I was on the phone pretty damn quick begging the ‘planings’ (old tarmac fragments ) 9523B383-8615-4D44-B546-00BF775CF966and managed to secure 3 huge piles at strategic points on our track , perfect for resurfacing ..

 So of course  one sunny afternoon we were all out playing with tarmac !

C8CC4815-EFE6-4C58-85D0-19789387EAE7Daddy in the tractor and grader box making lovely black road, and us girls with the kubota filling potholes.. it’s knackering but quite therapeutic!

Made us happy …me thinks maybe you probably need to be there to get it ..

you’d appreciate the smoother road though 🙂



A story I’ve not yet diaried is the evil and cunning plan that is our holiday let business idea…6C3F59DA-B911-4AC0-AE8C-E9E332297CEF


Grobdale Cottages


Our farmhouse sits next to a group of buildings known as The Dairy, The Byre and The Croft. A Croft is a rented farm up here in Scotland so a name that we thought sounded nicer than it’s original name the garage !


I interviewed 3 architects last Autumn and we chose the one that best suited our project.


By February we had been surveyed and drawn electronically ,been checked out for bats and Marc our architect had worked up various drawings and ideas until he and I had settled on final plans for each building… exciting stuff ED192DC3-5680-4741-A642-4625101CAFB0


Here  at Grobdale but we are surrounded 4EF5F4DC-3DBC-4623-A88F-A067F4531049by beautiful scenery , I have got into a routine of meeting Naomi with our dogs and begun exploring the lovely countryside we can access.










This is Teal with George and Charlie enjoying a good run and explore .


6ABD9F6D-1360-448E-AB99-1E3FCE95667CBack at the farm, we decided to make better use of a small scrubby paddock next to the track , with an idea to make it into another pig area ..

All of us got to work and over a couple of weekends got it up and running .










The idea is to have 2 herds of pigs, maybe two different breeds and three areas they can use .





So  two areas populated , one area to re generate ,and all three areas be rotated throughout the year to allow the land to recover .


The search is on for some more piggies .. to add to our family .


And so to best explain my blog title this month , here’s  Nora on her jaunt with Teal. When excited and happy pigs actually bark !! Fact BOOM 












0 thoughts on “Who knew that pigs could bark !”

  1. A remarkable talented lady, to share her story with us all and beautiful family, Andy and gorgeous Lauren, full filling there dreams, we wish them all the best with there new venture of the holiday homes XXX

  2. Wow Sarah you have come so far so exciting for you all it looks very work but I am sure very rewarding best wishes to you all you so deserve the good life. X

  3. Lauren – glad you’ve had your chocolate fix, when I’m there next time, we shall go together and eat so much that we will feel sick!
    Andy n Sarah – me n my jelly belly are really pleased you’ve fixed the potholes
    Looking forward to travelling down the smooth road to your house v soon x