May was beautifully warm and dry , the weather was amazing , perfect for getting out and about in Dumfries and Galloway…
Lauren really got quite into the horse scene this month and we began riding lessons over at Barstobrick riding stables about 20 minutes from the farm, here she is riding Big red , our favourite Irish cob .
We also heard about, and enrolled as volunteers for the RDA (Riding for the Disabled ) also at Barstobrick. A lovely weekly horse fix for both us and the clients that access this project.
It seems that wasn’t enough, and after revisiting the 3 R’s stables a Fantastic project run by Susan and Gordon Rescuing, Rehabilitating and Rehoming horses and ponies.
We soon became volunteers and are learning more every time we drop by .
Anyway back to our own animals, the sheep were thriving and the lambs growing well, I felt that 4 sheep wasn’t really making me a shepherd ..and so
After contacting Kiersten again at Greenhill Herdwicks I secured another 6 more sheep to add to my breeding ewes.
I figure this is now a ‘flock’ and I’m a bit more comfortable with the trainee shepherd title..
We were not the only ones enjoying the gorgeous weather, Nora was enjoying the sunshine too.
However when we realised how much sunscreen a pig needs she found herself on the hottest days in the shade of lambing shed..
The hot weather encouraged us ( as if we needed any egging on) to try out our own swimming pool . We had been itching to do some wild swimming in our loch…
And the weather just wasn’t letting up ! Everyone had a dip x
We have had a few dips and hope to keep swimming all summer if the weather keeps up ..
We are are so lucky to live in such a lovely place, Grobdale is in a beautiful spot not far from the solway coastline and we had a rather nice impromptu invite one afternoon inviting us down to the beach for the evening .. cue marshmallows, chocolate biscuits and gin ..
Thanks Wilson clan.. you Rock xx
The weather was doing wonders for the fields, the garden and the poly tunnel.. our first crop was garlic, a little early really but it was starting to bolt (starting
to produce flowers rather than concentrating on the main crop)
the polytunnel planting got under way and by the end of the month every space was filled.. we have carrots, potatoes, onions , shallots, tomatoes, peppers, chillies, tomatillos, beetroot, salad leaves, radish, melon, cucumber oh and grapes..
like I said bursting !
Am really looking forward to cropping this little lot over the next few months .. yum
Hi, Sarah,
You are having such a lovely lifestyle LUCKY Hard Work Fresh air etc.
You are doing EXACTLY the right thing with Lauren and the horse thingy.
Don’t rush . It sounds like you’re getting enough work there to do and the RDA place sounds terrific.
Did Norah REALLY get plastered in sun cream ? or were you kidding us ?
Much love from your
Crazee Aunt at the other end of the country…..
Hey roseybobs xx yes we really did sunscreen the pig a couple of times mostly her belly but it’s just silly do we put her inside with a nice fresh bed and a cool breeze through the shed xxxx miss you