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Grobdale of Girthon


Bringing home the bacon !





Apparently it’s the year of the pig ,and February it seems is definitely the month of the pig here at a Grobdale !

DEC NORA PADDLINGWe had felt for a while that Nora needed some help on the fertility front,IMG_0356 she wasn’t showing any signs of coming into season so AI (artificial insemination) hasn’t been an option ,

We needed a real man ..

We have found Social media to be a powerful tool and I’ve used it to sell and source all kinds if things including this time ,a loan Tamworth boar .

It took just over a week of messages and phone calls  .. on the journey I found her brother and her parents !


Third time lucky I discovered “Boaris “ and no he doesn’t have a blonde unruly mop ..

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Everything’s turning out Rosie x

I can’t quite believe it but we are in July and it seems we’ve been here a year ! It’s been a very busy and eventful fun packed , proper “out of anyone’s comfort zone “ kind of year .

In fact there’s no such thing as a comfort zone anymore as every day and each new challenge is always way out of the box ..IMG_0397

Everything’s blooming despite the scorching weather , it could all do with a good soaking but I’m not  complaining and the roses are loving it .. The sheep don’t even seem to notice their massive winter  fleeces !

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