Just out , a walkin ma pig..
June has been a bonkers… Read More »Just out , a walkin ma pig..
June has been a bonkers… Read More »Just out , a walkin ma pig..
The last few months have been very full on, what with the spectacular apocalytic, pandemic that has hit the world .then a drought.. then a moorland bush fire !! sounds biblical doesn’t it .
This is my catch up blog because it seems the whole world has conspired against me and my date with a laptop once a month…
They won 3 times it seems but now I need to empty my thoughts out online sorry .
Read More »Fab’uary, March and April’s madness- Its a hat trick !
July ended in a downpour and a brilliant lightening storm that we soooo needed , the ground steamed, soaking up all that lovely rain and visibly heaved a huge sigh of relief.. The husband on the other hand got home one Friday night to find we’d actually finally run out of water just as the rain started ,so a man needs a shower .. what does he do ? You guessed it ,he showered naked in the rain ..
I so wish I had a naked husband shower photo to post here .
The rain didn’t last long though and within a few days we had our summer back .
I can’t quite believe it but we are in July and it seems we’ve been here a year ! It’s been a very busy and eventful fun packed , proper “out of anyone’s comfort zone “ kind of year .
In fact there’s no such thing as a comfort zone anymore as every day and each new challenge is always way out of the box ..
Everything’s blooming despite the scorching weather , it could all do with a good soaking but I’m not complaining and the roses are loving it .. The sheep don’t even seem to notice their massive winter fleeces !