Our second December here at Grobdale, and we feel settled , less fly by the seat of your pants, maybe even comfortable.. dont get me wrong , every day has an out of your comfort zone moment or three but the majority of the time it’s jobs that we’ve done before or at least something similar ..For instance painting
your loan Tup with raddle !
Surely that’s just finger painting with animals instead of children .
If you’ve followed the link above ( click on the underlined word raddle ) you’ve read that by putting a dye or raddle on Gibbs ,
makes sure that he leaves his mark on any of the girls he’s mounted , so we know who could well be in lamb and who’s due first if she is pregnant. All good information to a good shepherdess (and I am trying to be).
The loan tup Gibbs was turning out to be rather lovely to deal with , hopefully he’ll be as easy to load and return to his owner at the beginning of next month ..
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