January it seems is supposed to be when you stop eating and drinking .. kind of detoxing.. well pish to that !
In this house we are still guzzling the Christmas leftovers, the animals get the leftover leftovers and so, nobody is doing without really .
kind of keeps them happy anyway as we move them about.. We seem to be doing a lot of that this month !
The pigs were first, their pen really was looking a bit bare , and they love to forage; they had even been breaking out every now and then so it was time to move them to pastures new.
When we arrived at Grobdale we inherited a pigloo in one of the smaller paddocks , it seemed the perfect time to give its proper tenants and evict the ram lambs Henry and Harry , give them a grassier patch and move the bulldozers in ! Here’s the video Of us moving the lovelies .
How happy are they ..
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