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Grobdale of Girthon


Do you need a bit o’ Scotland ?

        Imagine this title, in the voice of Joey Tribiani ..

Cos that’s how I heard it, when a very good friend ,said it should be our strap line..

img_5220Made me smile and made me think . We have a lot of very welcome visitors to our tiny piece of Scotland and just recently

(I blame current politics.. no I didn’t say the “B” word)

I have had a few friends, say a’ bit of Scotland’ is what they needed to ease stress..

August started with our lovely Helen and Damon adding a few giggles to the day , this is us taste testing gherkins vs cucumber .. does anyone know the difference ?

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Dry January my arse !or Bats in the Dairy ?



  January it seems is supposed to be when you stop eating and drinking  .. kind of detoxing.. well pish to that !

In this house we are still guzzling the Christmas leftovers, the animals get the leftover leftovers and so, nobody is doing without really 236c3600-de1d-4003-ad9f-f09ec776b4d5.

kind of keeps them happy anyway as we move them about.. We seem to be  doing a lot of that this month !

The pigs were first, their pen really was looking a bit bare , and they love to forage; they had even been breaking out every now and then so it was time to move them to pastures new.74489cf4-88eb-46f9-8273-cd1f6bfa2c23

When we arrived at Grobdale we inherited a pigloo in one of the smaller paddocks , it seemed the perfect time to give its proper tenants and evict the ram a8cac386-d6db-4e6b-a319-2fc3ee001a83lambs Henry and Harry , give them a grassier patch and move the bulldozers in ! Here’s the video Of us moving the lovelies . 

How happy are they ..

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The world according to gin or maybe pigs !


So November’s here and the  pigs decided , between themselves one day 6182C95B-21D0-46EC-811B-339C3AE2DA3Ethat they needed a change of scenery ..


So one afternoon we decided to take them out down to the loch ,their  first walk out was hilarious they were just proper giddy pants.

The freedom caused them to work up a fair old appetite , as if they needed any encouragement and when they’re hungry the noise they generate is rather impressive compared to their size I can only compare it to

A hundred violins being played REALLY badly !

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