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Grobdale of Girthon


Fab’uary, March and April’s madness- Its a hat trick !

The last few months have been very full on, what with the spectacular apocalytic, pandemic that has hit the world .then a drought.. then a moorland bush fire !! sounds biblical doesn’t it .

But not a mention here of the ‘C’ word I promise .

This is my catch up blog because it seems the whole world has conspired against me and my date with a laptop once a month…

They won 3 times it seems but now I need to empty my thoughts out online sorry .

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A ‘Stella’ quote ( did you see the xmas special) that BOAR HAIRYjust seemed rather apt given the added hairyness of our wild boar ! The girls were looking well wrapped up for the winter in their winter coats and didn’t seem to mind some extra bedding too

… Proper cosy in there.

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Bringing home the bacon !





Apparently it’s the year of the pig ,and February it seems is definitely the month of the pig here at a Grobdale !

DEC NORA PADDLINGWe had felt for a while that Nora needed some help on the fertility front,IMG_0356 she wasn’t showing any signs of coming into season so AI (artificial insemination) hasn’t been an option ,

We needed a real man ..

We have found Social media to be a powerful tool and I’ve used it to sell and source all kinds if things including this time ,a loan Tamworth boar .

It took just over a week of messages and phone calls  .. on the journey I found her brother and her parents !


Third time lucky I discovered “Boaris “ and no he doesn’t have a blonde unruly mop ..

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Dry January my arse !or Bats in the Dairy ?



  January it seems is supposed to be when you stop eating and drinking  .. kind of detoxing.. well pish to that !

In this house we are still guzzling the Christmas leftovers, the animals get the leftover leftovers and so, nobody is doing without really 236c3600-de1d-4003-ad9f-f09ec776b4d5.

kind of keeps them happy anyway as we move them about.. We seem to be  doing a lot of that this month !

The pigs were first, their pen really was looking a bit bare , and they love to forage; they had even been breaking out every now and then so it was time to move them to pastures new.74489cf4-88eb-46f9-8273-cd1f6bfa2c23

When we arrived at Grobdale we inherited a pigloo in one of the smaller paddocks , it seemed the perfect time to give its proper tenants and evict the ram a8cac386-d6db-4e6b-a319-2fc3ee001a83lambs Henry and Harry , give them a grassier patch and move the bulldozers in ! Here’s the video Of us moving the lovelies . 

How happy are they ..

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Balls and determination!

October started off well with a new addition 1D77DC89-E445-4356-B751-63B43A12EA64to the livestock .. a good friend Jean had a pony that needed a home, so I couldn’t say no and when we met Gemma pony a  section A (tiny hardy sturdy little unit ) she seemed just the thing to keep Lotte company  … just got to get them used to each other and avoid the kicks !

so we are now a farm with 17 ducks, 16 sheep, 10 chickens , 5 pigs , 2 ponies and a dog !

I think that classes as a Farm now not a small holding ?

Ribs were healing well so my thoughts turned to A66F32B1-3375-42FE-8EAA-15050B55D88C
getting back on Lotte , maybe not for anything too speedy but it was frustrating not being able to get out in the lovely autumn sunshine .

Body armour was my weapon of choice and I think it’s pretty sexy huh .. am hoping it will remind me to ride better and stay on !

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September the cliche !


How many September blogs,vlogs, diary posts or novels state this month to be when leaves change colour and temperatures drop ?…well Poo to that I hate to be a cliche, 662DB633-80E6-48B5-BE93-7A078CFBC14Ebut I’m doing it too, there’s an avenue of Beech trees, on my route to most of everything that is stunning at all the spokes of the leaf colour wheel and right now it’s on the turn. There will be more photos as it transforms

I see cars stop all the time to capture the lovely canopy and it regularly stops me in my tracks ..

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